Friday, September 19, 2014

12 Tips on How To Play 'City Girl Life'

Hello to my readers who play City Girl Life on facebook like me. Hope all of you have a great day. Today, I'm gonna share a list of friendly and healthy tips on how to play the game.

  1. Do not take it seriously. Remember you have a 'real life'.
  2. Be patience when there's an issues like reloading the page. Do not attact admins of CGL Groups. They're not developers. Developers do their job to maintain the game for us.
  3. If you do not have many friends on facebook who play this game, you can join some city girl groups and ask them to add you. Message them before you add them. Some players ignores request from people they don't know  and others cancel request that will lead you to facebook jail. Just google what is FACEBOOK JAIL.
  4. Suggestion only. Use a gaming account. Do not use your real facebook account, because there are some arrogant players who make fun of others. Remember, there are so many dramas in some CGL Group. Protect yourself to them.
  5. Save your golds. Don't spend it for items with less star needs. I don't spend real money to buy golds. I play this game for more than a year without buying golds. Currently I have 101 golds and I only get these golds by my Level Ups, Cafe Spins and some free from Playdom before. Anyway, last week I got tempted to spin in a shop. I thinks it's from the fall collection. I really like bed so much, so i did one spin (i told my self just one spin) and crossed my finger to get the bed....and YAY! I did. :)
    Cozy Plaid Bed with 4 Star Rest Needs.
  6. Don't be a Hoarder! Do not put all your items in your apartment. The more items in your apartment, the slower the game goes. Example image below. This player uses the smallest apartment (Shady Heights) and do not put any items for her apartment except for the Jane Austen Desk for crafting items needed in Pride and Prejudice Mission. On this technique, you should not be lazy to visit your friend's apartment. Since you do not have any item on your apartment, you are forced to visit them and do things to dazzle yourself. By visiting your friends, you can can gain glams, coins etc and you will improve your relationship level to her. If you're Besties with them, you can get 6 votes if they vote you for the daily look.
  7. Janos Gal's Apartment
  8. Based on the number 5, I am not saying that you have to empty your apartment. I know some of you wanted to decorate and screenshot your apartment and share it to your your friends or in city girl groups. But again, don't be a HOARDER! Put the most needed items (with needs of 4-5 stars) in your apartment. In my apartment I usually put, a telephone (for friendship need), a computer (for fun need), refrigerator (for health need), a gold vanity (for hygiene need), bed (for rest need) and a few items for decorations.
    My Apartment
  9. Do not spend too much time playing this game. Have a good rest and take care of YOURSELF, not your city girl. The city girl doesn't sick, you do.
  10. Do not spend real money to buy new stuffs like dresses for your girl and furnitures for your apartment. If you already spent a money, think about how much is the total of the money you have spent. Imagine you spend $20 every week for the 'one time deal offer'. Did you realized that it cost a new microwave? Why do you spend real money for this nothing? Why don't you buy real clothes and go to salon to pamper yourself. Do it, to impress your husband.
  11. If there's nothing to do in the game, like you are waiting to finish your crafting, there's no job, there is a maintenance, it's time to go out and get some fresh air. You can do exercise, walk your dog, talk to your husband, play with your kids, talk your parents over the phone, read your favourite books, watch a movie with friends, and there are so many things to do.
  12. Do not worry if you can't finish your mission. Me, I really don't care if I did not finish it. I travel a lot so sometimes I couldn't finish it. There's so many good stuffs to come in this game, why worry?
  13. Lastly, do not spend too much time in the computer. Have a sleep at least 6-8 hours. If you are tired, rest immediately. Don't force yourself to be awake until the crafting is done. Remember last year? Someone died in front of her computer playing this game? Her husband found her dead in front of computer. We don't really know the reason why she died, maybe she is already sick and it happened only that she is in front of her computer. I don't want to be harsh but, what if she died because of too much playing in the computer? Her blood stopped and there's no more oxygen on her brain. But lucky to her she just died and with God. Unlike my friend who only sleeps for two hours a day because he works on his computer for 12 hours. He collapsed on his desk, co-workers bring him in the nearest hospital and the doctor declared that he is dead on arrival. But the hospital tried to survive him and they did. He is in comatose for 3 months and woke up Braindead. Now he's so very thin, doesn't speak, couldn't move his body and he just stares at your when you talk to him. So ladies, as I mention in number 8,  let us be very careful and take care of our health.


  1. Wow, somebody died playing this game? :(

  2. I know who you mean, the lady that died, but she did not die from spending too much time on the computer. She died because she was seriously ill. Her husband said she at least died while doing something she loves :)

    Your warning is a good one though, people should not forget their real lives for a game :)

  3. From their website: "As a recent New York transplant, you get to explore the city with the help of your fabulous friends! Pursue a dream career, sport the latest fashions and decorate your dream apartment while living the glamorous life in Disney City Girl!" City Girl Life

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